
Thousands of Spanish men rush to make sexchanges since the new “Trans Law” was passed by feminist government

Published March 21, 2023 | By

Thousands of Spanish men rush to make sexchanges since the new Trans Law was passed by feminist government NewsJive
Spanish Minister of Equality, Irene Montero, and men celebrating EuroPride. (Wikipedia / Youtube)

Since the new Trans Law was passed in Spain by the liberal feminist government a few weeks ago, making it possible for anyone over 16 to make a sexchange, a very high number of men has rushed to register themselves as women.

An “exorbitant” number of Spanish men have in a very short time applied to become women at the Civil Registry offices, according to reports.

What is also remarkable is that the men aren’t bothered at all to change their male names to more typical female names.

“This is the case every day since the Trans Law was passed,” sources witin the authority told Murcia, and went on saying that “100% of the appplicants that we have recieced are from men who want to register as women”, adding, “That is suspicious”.

Why is this suddenly happening in Spain? It’s not like the men physically go and make sexchanges in clinics suddenly. They are not required to that by the new Trans Law. All they have to do to make a sexchange is to register themselves as “women” judicially.

The theory why this has suddenly increased, has to do with the fact that women in the country receive more benefits by just being women.

An other theory is that men feel that they have to protect themselves from rape and abuse charges from women, who can accuse men for these type of crimes without any evidence and make them convicted.

By making a judicial sexchange in the country and become a “woman” on paper instead, a woman must have evidence for her accusations against the men she accuses of rape and abuse who have made a sexchange.

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